Want more this summer?

At Pacific, we offer high-quality summer courses that can expand educational opportunities for our current students, future students, and the local community in a compact, five-week schedule. Summer Sessions can help you get ahead, catch up, try something new, expand your personal or professional horizons — and even earn while you learn through internships and experiential learning!

four students studying
Something for Everyone

Members of the community can register for regular University courses without having to apply for admission to Pacific or submit transcripts. Individuals can advance academically and professionally through courses taught by our world-class faculty. Summer Sessions also gives both Pacific and non-Pacific students the ability to continue academic programs year-round at a reduced tuition rate. Students can take extra courses towards a minor or another major, investigate new interests, complete GE requirements or get an exceptionally challenging class out of the way without the distraction of other courses. 

My Summer Session!

Summer 2025 Session Dates

Summer Sessions registration for current Pacific students begins March 31, 2025. Registration for new unclassified students begins April 14, 2025; new students must complete an Unclassified Student Form to obtain access to MyPacific and register.

  • Session I: May 12 - June 13
  • Session II: June 17 - July 18
  • Session III: July 21 - Aug. 22
students working at a table with a faculty member helping

Most University courses are open to anyone during Summer Sessions. Students may register without formal application for any course for which they have the necessary background. Participation in Pacific Summer Sessions does not imply that you will be authorized for enrollment in the regular academic year. 

Current/Continuing Pacific Students

Currently enrolled business, engineering, computer science and pharmacy students must see their advisor prior to Summer Sessions registration. All other students are advised, but not required, to see their faculty advisor.

Undergraduate Admission 

If you are new to Pacific, please be sure to submit a First-Time Unclassified Student Form so that we can establish your access to Pacific systems including email and registration tools. 

If you want to continue at Pacific after completing summer session coursework, you must make a formal application for admission by the application deadline.  If you have reached the 27-unit maximum, you must also file an application for admission to continue studies at Pacific.

High School Students 

High school students are invited to enroll in courses numbered below 100 for the purpose of earning college credit, sampling the college experience, and/or to accelerate their college preparation. Please be sure to submit a First-Time Unclassified Student Form so that we can establish your access to Pacific systems including email and registration tools. 

Graduate Admission

Students interested in working toward a graduate degree or credential must file an application for admission with the Office of Graduate Admission. For admission for the first summer session, the file must be completed by March 1. Graduate standing may be granted to persons who hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university and who have no less than a "B" average in all upper division work. Admission to Credential Standing requires a grade point average of 2.5 or higher (4.0 scale). For further information contact the Office of Graduate Admission at 209.946.3929.

If you have reached the 12-unit maximum, you must file an application for admission in the Office of Graduate Admission. Check with the Office of Graduate Admission for deadline dates.

Course Loads

The maximum number of units you may take per five-week summer session is 8 units. If you would like to take more than 8 units and are a current/incoming Pacific student, please petition the dean of the school/college you are affiliated with. If you are not yet affiliated with Pacific, please contact the Office of the Registrar for additional support.

Registration Procedures

New unclassified students, complete the First-Time Unclassified Student Form. Your user information will be given or emailed to you upon receipt of the application. Pacific and non-Pacific students can register without formal application for any course for which they have the necessary background.

Registering Online

Accessing MyPacific

You will need a web browser that supports frames and cookies. MyPacific can be supported by most up-to-date web browsers.

Logging In to MyPacific

Using a computer with an Internet connection, visit my.annccb.com. Enter your username (your PacificNet ID) and password and start browsing our virtual campus!

MyPacific Services

Registered students can use MyPacific for the following:

  • Check registration appointment times
  • Enroll in courses
  • Check outstanding account balances
  • Confirm class schedules
  • Check grades
  • Search for courses
  • Print class schedules
  • Search for holds
  • Search the general catalog

How to Register

  1. Choose the Academic tab.
  2. Choose the Academic Services channel.
  3. Choose Student Services.
  4. Choose Registration.
  5. Choose Select Term (drop down menu) then select appropriate term and submit term.
  6. Choose Add/Drop.
  7. Enter your course reference numbers (CRN) for your selected classes in the boxes provided. One CRN per box.
  8. Choose Submit Changes to process your registration. If registration is successfully completed, it will read ‘web reg’ on the left side of each course. If you receive any error messages (example: closed classes, time conflicts, link errors, etc.) refer to the ‘Common Error Messages’ section.
  9. Once you have completed registering, click on the Refresh icon.
  10. Choose Student Services.
  11. Choose Registration.
  12. Choose Schedule by Day and Time to view your schedule of classes. Carefully check your registration, verify all courses, sections, days and times. You are responsible for the accuracy of your registration.
  13. Choose the Printer icon to print a copy of your class schedule.
  14. Choose the Log Off Icon (address line). To protect the security and confidentiality of your information, don’t forget to log off insidePacific when you finish your session.

Trouble Registering? Contact Us:

Office of the Registrar

Knoles Hall, 1st Floor
3601 Pacific Ave.
Stockton, CA 95211

Summer Sessions I, II and III Registration

Registration begins for continuing Pacific students only8:30 a.m. March 31
Registration begins for new students8:30 a.m. April 14

Summer Session I

Payment deadlineMay 1
Registration cancelled for non-paymentMay 11
Classes begin (Sessions II and III registration remains open)May 12
Last day to add/drop classes without record of enrollment (100% refund less $30 clerical charge)May 15
Last day to file Pass/No Credit or letter grade option requestMay 15
Last day to withdraw classes with a 75% refundMay 15
Last day to withdraw classes with a 50% refundMay 20
Last day to withdraw classes with a 25% refund (no refund after this date)May 23
Holiday – Memorial Day (observed, no classes)May 25
Last day to withdrawJune 2
Last day of classes and final exams (except extended Summer Session I classes)June 13
Final grades due online from faculty, 5 p.m. (except extended Summer Session I classes)June 17
Unofficial student grades available online (except extended Summer Session I classes)June 18

Summer Session II

Payment deadlineJune 1
Holiday – Juneteenth (observed, no classes)June 16
Classes begin (Session III registration remains open)June 17
Last day to add/drop classes without record of enrollment (100% refund less $30 clerical charge)June 20
Last day to file Pass/No Credit or letter grade option requestJune 20
Registration cancelled for non-paymentJune 23
Last day to withdraw classes with a 75% refundJune 24
Last day to withdraw classes with a 50% refundJune 27
Last day to withdraw classes with a 25% refund (no refund after this date)June 29
Holiday – Independence Day (observed, no classes)July 4
Last day to withdrawJuly 7
Last day of classes and final exams (except extended Summer Session II classes)July 18
Final grades due online from faculty, 5 p.m. (except extended Summer Session II classes)July 22
Unofficial student grades available online (except extended Summer Session I classes)July 23

Summer Session III

Payment deadlineJuly 1
Classes beginJuly 21
Last day to add/drop classes without record of enrollment (100% refund less $30 clerical charge)July 24
Last day to file Pass/No Credit or letter grade option requestJuly 24
Registration cancelled for non-paymentJuly 28
Last day to withdraw classes with a 75% refundJuly 29
No classes (student break)Aug. 1
Last day to withdraw classes with a 50% refundAug. 1
Last day to withdraw classes with a 25% refund (no refund after this date)Aug. 3
Last day to withdrawAug. 8
Last day of classes and final examsAug. 22
Final grades due online from faculty, 5 p.m.Aug. 26
Unofficial student grades available online (except extended Summer Session I classes)Aug. 27
Summer Sessions student Emilie Jenkins
Why It's Worth It
Relax and focus

Graphic design major Emilie Jenkins wanted to add a minor in Business Leadership to her degree in order to advance her goal of becoming a creative director at a firm when she graduates. However, she couldn’t fit a course she needed into her fall or spring schedules. She took the class over the summer out of necessity but found a surprising advantage.

“The biggest benefit was being able to slow down and really learn the content. I gained foundational knowledge in that class because I was able to really focus on just that one subject. It will help me in my career as I eventually work to be a leader in the workplace."

Student Accounts

For information about Summer Sessions tuition and payment deadlines, visit the Summer Sessions Student Accounts page.

Financial Aid

Continuing Pacific students and new or returning students whose admission is effective in summer may qualify for assistance in the form of a Federal Student Loan. However, because program regulations restrict students to a maximum annual loan amount, borrowing for summer usually results in reduced loan eligibility during the regular academic year. Undergraduate students who qualify for Federal Pell Grants may also be eligible for Summer Pell Grant payments. Continuing and readmitted students must make satisfactory academic progress to qualify for financial aid. Please visit the Financial Aid & Cost website for more information.

Summer 2024 housing applications are LIVE on the Housing Portal from April 8 through April 19 for students who are registered for courses. Space is not guaranteed and meal plans are required. Summer rates can be found here.

For more details, please contact the Office of Residential Life and Housing at 209-946-2331 or iamhome@annccb.com.


When do Summer Sessions start?

Three five-week summer sessions are offered each summer beginning in May.

How long is each Summer Session?

Each Summer Session is five weeks long.

When can I see the classes offered during Summer Sessions?

You can view the 2023 Summer Sessions schedule of classes here.

I can't be on campus this summer. Can I take online classes during Summer Sessions?

Absolutely! We have many online classes and summer travel programs for your convenience. Check the Summer Schedule of Classes for more information.

Can I enroll in any Summer Sessions class without meeting with an advisor?

It depends. If you are a currently enrolled Pacific student, you are required to meet with your advisor before registering for summer classes. If you are not currently enrolled at Pacific, you can get started by submitting the First-Time Unclassified Student Form to the Office of the Registrar.

What are the credit limitations?

During the five-week sessions, a full student course load is 8 units. Review the “How to Enroll” course load details for how to submit a request if you would like to take more than 8 units.

Where do I go for help with registration?

Contact the Office of the Registrar at 209.946.2135 or registrar@annccb.com

What about housing?

Contact the Office of Residential Life and Housing at 209.946.2331 for more information.

What are my dining options?

During Summer Sessions, there are no meal plans offered by Residential Life and Housing. You can choose from the options of using PacificCash (3% discount), credit card or cash for food purchases.

How do I learn more about financial aid for Summer Sessions?

Visit the Financial Aid website or contact the Office of Financial Aid at 209.946.2421 or financialaid@annccb.com.

Expand your knowledge, push yourself to get ahead, and be on your way to an exciting summer at Pacific!


Office of the Registrar - Stockton

​​​​​​Knoles Hall, 1st Floor
3601 Pacific Ave.
Stockton, CA 95211


8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday